In a world where humans coexist with both greedy demons and noble hermits, a delicate balance is maintained between good and evil. Humans live their lives on Earth, often unaware of the supernatural forces that surround them. Among these beings is Ishin, a unique individual born from the union of a demon and a human.
From a young age, Ishin has been captivated by the enigmatic hermit named Koushun. Having been taken under Koushun’s wing during a time of need, Ishin’s admiration for him has grown into an intense obsession. Now a grown and respected young man, Ishin resorts to using his magical abilities to seduce and entice Koushun, hoping to win his affection.
However, Koushun remains unyielding and unamused by Ishin’s advances. As their complex relationship unfolds, Ishin stumbles upon a shocking revelation. He discovers that Koushun had once been involved with another man in the past, a forbidden love that challenged the established norms and rules.
Driven by a mix of jealousy, curiosity, and a longing for acceptance, Ishin embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind Koushun’s past and the forbidden love he once pursued. In this world of humans, demons, and hermits, Ishin’s quest for love and understanding intertwines with the delicate balance between good and evil, ultimately shaping the destinies of those involved.