Kiyoshi Morihira, a man who has yearned for a special and romantic Christmas with a beloved partner, finds himself facing another lonely holiday when his lover unexpectedly ends their relationship on Christmas Eve. Disheartened by the turn of events, Kiyoshi resigns himself to spending yet another Christmas alone, feeling the weight of disappointment.
However, fate has something unexpected in store for him. Just as Kiyoshi is immersed in his heartbreak, a mysterious man dressed as Santa Claus appears before him, offering a chance to experience the perfect lover’s Christmas. Intrigued and captivated by this charming and generous stranger, Kiyoshi agrees to spend Christmas Eve in the company of his very own Santa.
As the hours unfold, Kiyoshi discovers the magic of the moment, sharing tender and intimate moments with his newfound companion. Amidst the enchanting ambiance of Christmas, a deep connection forms between them, filling Kiyoshi’s heart with warmth and hope.
But the mysterious Santa holds a secret, one that adds a layer of intrigue and anticipation to their burgeoning love story. As they delve into the depths of their feelings, Kiyoshi and his Santa embark on a journey of self-discovery, cherishing the beauty of the present while unraveling the mysteries of the past.
This heartwarming tale of love and destiny unfolds against the backdrop of Christmas, reminding us that sometimes, the most unexpected encounters can bring us the greatest joy and illuminate the path to our true desires. With the spirit of the season guiding their steps, Kiyoshi and his Santa navigate the complexities of love, forging a connection that transcends the boundaries of time and circumstance.